Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 5, 2018

The 15 Gmail alternate routes you may have overlooked

Here is a rundown of console alternate routes for famous Gmail assignments and highlights that you might possibly have. 

Note that to utilize these alternate ways, you have to go to Settings> General> Keyboard easy routes and empower the "Console alternate ways on" setting.

15 phim tat tren Gmail co the ban da quen hinh anh 2

Proceed onward Gmail 

gi: to the inbox.

gs: go to the Starred envelope.

ga: to All Mail.

gc: Go to the Contacts list.

/: actuate the inquiry box, put the cursor in the hunt box.

Move between messages 

j: move the cursor to the following old email (or open that email in case you're seeing an email).

k: to as of late got email (or open that email on the off chance that you are seeing an email).

p: move the cursor to the old email in the discussion being seen (Conversation View - every discussion can have various messages).

n: moves the cursor to the new email as of late in the discussion being seen.

Handle messages 

x: select or deselect a featured email/discussion (check the blue cursor in front).

s: Star or unstar with an email/discussion.

#: erase discussion.

e: chronicle discussion.

!: set apart as spam.

Enter: opens a featured discussion

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